Accessibility was a top priority when the RheinEnergieSTADION was renovated. Fans and stadium visitors with limited mobility, sensory or other disabilities should be able to enjoy the stadium to the full.
We want to enable and facilitate access to and use of the venue for all our guests. The RheinEnergieSTADION supports the mobility and self-determination of disabled people.
Here you will find an overview of all the important questions concerning an easily accessible visit to the RheinEnergieSTADION:
The RheinEnergieSTADION has 100 positions for wheelchairs and personal assistants. They are located in the “Osttribune” (East Stand) close to the action behind row 3, blocks O2 to O7. Personal assistants sit in front of the wheelchair users in normal seats.
Please note that for high-security matches, only a limited number of tickets can be sold due to the fencing.
Extra legroom seats are only available in blocks O2 to O7 in row 1, where the personal assistant sits next to the disabled person.
If you are disabled, we recommend that you book tickets for the lower tiers.
Seating for 20 visually impaired people plus a personal assistant is available in the “Osttribune” (East Stand), block O6, second row. There are 20 pairs of headphones available for these seats. They will be distributed by two commentators just before the match and collected again afterwards.
There is a special entrance, “Ost-Mitte”, to reduce waiting times for disabled spectators.
FC Cologne home games:
FC Cologne has changed the way it sells tickets for the wheelchair and visually impaired sections of the ground. Since the 2018/2019 season, anyone interested in these tickets can register via the online platform Eventbrite.
Everything you need to know about ticket sales can be found here.
Concerts and other cultural events:
Tickets can only be purchased through the event organiser. For more information, please contact our Visitor Centre. We’ll be happy to put you in touch with someone.
S1 – parking spaces for wheelchair users:
There are 40 wheelchair spaces in car park S1, which is very close to the stadium. There is a step-free path from the car park to the “Ost-Mitte” entrance of the stadium. This special disabled entrance is clearly marked.
For FC Cologne home games, parking is generally reserved for season ticket holders. However, it’s always worth enquiring as a few spaces may become available at short notice. Simply email Marie-Luise Siems at: service@fc-koeln.de
Our Visitor Centre will be happy to help you with all your parking needs for any event at the RheinEnergieSTADION. You can email them at: info@koelnersportstaetten.de
We offer everyone the stadium experience – with or without disabilities!
On our accessible stadium tours, wheelchair users can drive past the east end to the Nordtribüne (North Stand) and park there (via Junkersdorfer Straße). The tour starts from here. For hard-of-hearing people and the Deaf we offer stadium tours with a German sign-language interpreter. If you have any questions, please contact our Visitor Centre.
Do you have any questions about accessibility and your visit to the RheinEnergieSTADION? We’ll be happy to help you and can even help you buy your tickets! Just call us on +49 221 716 16 150 or send a message to: besucherzentrum@koelnersportstaetten.de